How do I qualify for an involuntary unemployment benefit?
In order to qualify for an involuntary unemployment benefit, you must:
Be enrolled in the Program for a minimum of thirty (30) consecutive days before you are involuntarily unemployed
Be unemployed due to a layoff, a union-based strike, lockout or similar action or company shutdown (in the event of a strike, labor dispute or lockout, a union representative must sign a form specifying the situation)
Notify us within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after the first date of involuntary unemployment
Have been working at least twenty (20) hours per week for a minimum of thirty (30) days at the time of involuntary unemployment
Qualify for State, Washington, D.C., or U.S. Territories unemployment benefits or be signed up with a recognized employment agency
Complete and return any forms required by us as the proof of involuntary unemployment
Meet all requirements, as determined by us, applicable to your circumstances as described in the Credit Protection Program Agreement and Disclosure