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Pre-Qualify for a Credit Card

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Know in less than 60 seconds

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No impact to your credit score

Credit One Bank Platinum VISA Card

Know in less than 60 seconds without impacting your credit.

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Cash Back Rewards - Earn cash back rewards on eligible purchases

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Free Credit Score - View your credit score and credit report summary online

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Zero Fraud Liability - Know you won’t be held responsible for unauthorized charges

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Credit Line Increases - Receive regular account reviews for credit line increases

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Please provide some basic information:

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.


WISCONSIN: Applicants must refer to the "Married Residents of Wisconsin" notice, found in the "State Notices" section of the Disclosures and Terms & Conditions, for important information and instructions.

We use email to alert you if there's a problem during the application process, when we mail your new credit card as well as notify you about special offers, new services and important account information.

We use your Social Security number to identify you and to conduct a Pre-Qualification check. To protect your personal information, it will be encrypted upon submission.

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)*



By clicking 'See Card Offers' button below, you (i) acknowledge that you are providing 'written instructions' and authorize Credit One Bank to obtain information from your personal credit profile from one or more credit reporting agencies in order to conduct a pre-qualification for credit and (ii) you authorize Credit One Bank to present you with other offers of credit and credit related products. Pre-qualification does not guarantee account approval and you must submit a full application for review in order to apply for any pre-qualified offer(s) of credit. If you are a Covered Borrower under the Military Lending Act, you may get a different offer. 

Pre-qualifying won't harm your credit score.